Help ARTBAR become top-rated for 2020 on GreatNonprofits!

If you love our work then tell the world! Stories about us from people like you will help us make an even bigger impact in our community. GreatNonprofits – the #1 source of nonprofit stories and feedback – is honoring highly regarded nonprofits with their 2020 Top-Rated List. Won’t you help us raise visibility for our work by posting a brief story of your experience with us? All content will be visible to potential donors and volunteers. It’s easy and only takes 3 minutes! Go here to get started!

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  1. Sandra Gray says:

    ARTBAR is one of the hardest working, most honest, most compassionate, and most effective pet rescue groups in our country. I say this as a lifelong (and I’m 74) animal rescue activist and supporter. ARTBAR –and Jessica Hill White–never turns away from even the most challenging, and heartbreaking, rescues. White works tirelessly to cooperate with other rescues to find the animals she saves and heals the very best forever homes. She takes in the most tragic of cases, and creates–for them–the most beautiful futures.

    1. Please leave the review on the GreatNonProfits website. Thanks!

  2. Mary Wilson says:

    ARTBAR rescue is a blessing to animals in need of help and hope. They care for and regime/ rescue so many without thought of how will they get the funds to care for them. They begin and end with an overwhelmibg love and dedication to the needs of the helpless and wounded. No place too far and no case not given the best of care and love. Amazing. Simply amazing.

    1. Please leave the review on the GreatNonProfits website. Thanks!

  3. Brandi Davis says:

    There’s not words to describe how amazing this rescue group is. They are truly angels for animals.

    1. Please leave the review on the GreatNonProfits website. Thanks!

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