Welcome Blackjack to ARTBAR

Meet Blackjack! Thanks to Shane Snyder, Blackjack is safe and loved. His owner died awhile back and since then no one had really has taken care of the old man. He’s at the vet now getting a full work up, he’s only 5 lbs and extremely emaciated, very matted, and the vet is concerned he…

Henrietta beagle needs help!

Jessica Hill White 17h  · Henrietta was found this evening on the mining road where I live almost in the same spot that I found Harriet Beagle and Harlow Beagle years ago. Her eyes remind me a lot of Harlow Beagle’s.She looks older in the face but her teeth aren’t horrid. Her hair feels coarse…

Swilled Dog Upper Tract

https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fswilleddoguppertract%2Fposts%2F520284132742512&show_text=true&width=500 Swilled Dog Upper Tract 2h  · Because of their reason to believe, Jessica Hill White and Wes White have had a huge impact in the lives of many homeless animals. Located in Lenore, WV, their organization, A Reason To Believe Animal Rescue (ARTBAR), works extensively in collaboration with shelters, fosters, and veterinarians, to provide…