ARTBAR’s vet bill is ever so s-l-o-w-l-y dropping and is now down to about $58,000. We try to pay $1,000 a week but we’ve been struggling to raise even that much each week. Intake is 99% shut down until we can get a handle on this and Jessica is still working double shifts due to the pandemic, so she’s not online much to help out with fundraising posts.
The reason this bill is so high that in the months before the pandemic we had quite a few orthopedic surgery dogs and those surgeries are typically $3,000-$5,000 each, so it added up quickly and then the pandemic caused donors to have to pull back financially because their jobs were shut down…so we basically had a perfect storm situation that crashed our fundraising flow. We’re hoping that things are back to normal for many of you. If so, can anyone help?
Please consider doing a recurring monthly donation, regardless of how much you can afford per month. We have people doing it at $5/month and a few doing it as high as $50/month. Automatic monthly donations really help to keep the cash flowing for vet bills. You can set it up using PayPal or your online checking account to mail a check to us each month. Scroll down for details on how to do either.

PayPal: Using this link, you check a box to make your donation an automatic recurring monthly donation.
Checking: Log into your checking account and set up ARTBAR as a bill. Then set up a recurring monthly payment to us. Here’s our information to plug into your checking account:
PO Box 394
Lenore, WV 25661