Here’s an update on Wally. He’s the hound I found walking around Walmart and he jumped right in the car and laid down (first picture). It was starting to rain the day I found Wally. No one claimed him. Wally has since been adopted. He’s now a house dog and knows what it feels like to be part of the family. Here’s a little post his family sent in about Wally. The last 3 photos are of him at his new home.
“Wally is fantastic, a huge part of our family already. He is a big goof, loves to snuggle and puts a smile on our faces every day and I think we’re doing the same for him. Wally reminds me that it’s really them who rescue us.” 🐾❤🐾
I was told recently these animals are put under stress and pain being transported to these rescues we pick, that it’s uncalled for and most probably don’t get adopted to good homes. These dogs live better than I do, literally. 🤣 Every one of them. This is what it’s about. These pictures, seeing them be the dogs they were made to be.
Thanks to the rescue for the update.