Hi Everyone,
How’s it going out there in pandemicland?
We’re all hanging in here at ARTBAR.

Jessica is still working crazy long hours and doing her best to keep the residents at the nursing home healthy and safe. Family is healthy so that’s good.
Trish is home. Her job is shut down for the duration. But she’s healthy and stocked up, so everything is ok there. Family is healthy too. Here’s Mark cuddling on her lap. Trish is apparently camera shy. LOL

A message from Marti: Many people are pitching in during this unprecedented struggle to foster and adopt animals. We are grateful for this outpouring of support for the animals. We are so thankful for our followers and supporters and wish you and your families well amidst this crisis. Our fearless leader, Jessica, would also appreciate your thoughts and prayers for her day job at a nursing home striving to keep this scary virus out. She’s as tenacious at protecting her nursing home residents as she is at saving the animals she continually fights for, and that is taking all of her energy at this time. Any encouragement and thanks you could send her way would be very much appreciated.

Other ARTBAR folks are doing well too. We’re all hunkered down and riding it out.
Our intake is still closed, for obvious reasons. Can’t move dogs to rescues due to shelter in place orders. Don’t have any new foster homes. Social distancing. You get the drift.
Our biggest issue is still the vet bill. As of this morning we owe around $25,000 and that keeps rising even though we aren’t adding more animals to the mix because we have some medical cases in boarding and getting rehab care at Sheabel. Yup, we’re going to beg you again. Yup, we know money is tight for a lot of people right now. Please don’t feel bad if you cannot afford to help us at the moment. It’s ok. You can help us when things get back to normal for you. If you happen to be in the fortunate percentage of the population that’s doing ok financially right now and you can spare some extra cash, we sure would greatly appreciate more donations.
We’ll all get through this. ARTBAR will ramp back up eventually. But it would be really nice if when we reopen we’re starting with a zero balance at Sheabel vet. Here’s the link to our donate page if you can help. Please share on social media. Consider starting a fundraiser on Facebook for A Reason To Believe Animal Rescue, Inc. Thanks for anything you can do.
Stay healthy everyone! Brighter days are coming.